Ramblings of my curious mind

Curious Girl With Curious Mind

Many people like to picnic, you may encounter this wild mushrooms. 很多蘑菇既美味可口,又赏心悦目。 Many mushrooms not only delicious, but also a pleasure to look at. 但这个时候,你一定要提防自然界这些美丽的“诱惑”。 But this time, you must beware of these beautiful natural "temptation." 接下来将要介绍七种毒性超强的蘑菇,切记,一定对它们敬而远之.Will be introduced next seven super-toxic mushrooms.
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1. 死亡天使Death Angel 1. Death Angel Angel of Death

“死亡天使”(Death Angel)学名Amanita bisporigera,是最常见的蘑菇杀手之一。 "Angel of Death" (Death Angel) scientific name Amanita bisporigera, is the most common killer of one of the mushrooms. 人们很容易将白色的死亡天使与可食用的蘑菇混淆,包括草菇和洋蘑菇。 It's easy to be a white angel of death and confusion of edible mushrooms, including mushrooms and mushroom-yang. 死亡天使含有鹅膏毒素,可阻止细胞的新陈代谢(从而杀死细胞),通常始于肝和肾;几天内可致人于死地。 Angel of Death with Amanita toxins, can prevent cell metabolism (and thereby kill the cells), usually started in the liver and kidney; a few days can be deadly. 死亡天使一般发现于北美,而其同属鳞柄白鹅膏(A. virosa)在欧洲更为常见。 Angel of Death generally found in North America, and the handle scales are cream white (A. virosa) are more common in Europe.

2. 秋日小圆帽Autumn Skullcap 2. Autumn Autumn Skullcap skullcaps

世界各地气候温和的地方都可以看到纹缘盔孢伞(即秋日小圆帽,Autumn Skullcap)的身影。 Mild climate all over the world can see the local edge pattern helmet umbrella spore (that is, skullcaps autumn, Autumn Skullcap) figure.

它表面看似光盖伞属的致幻真菌,事实上却具有相当大的毒性。 It seems the surface of the umbrella cover light of the hallucinogenic fungi are, in fact, does have considerable toxicity. 与本属中的深褐色或淡紫色袍子不同,纹缘盔孢伞的孢子是淡棕色。 With the case of dark brown or light purple gown different spore patterns Helmets umbrella margin is light brown spores. 不过要分辨二者的区别存在一定的难度,尤其是这些小蘑菇可能生长在同一区域。 But to tell the difference between the two there is a certain degree of difficulty, especially in these small mushrooms may grow in the same area.

3. 毁灭天使Destroying Angel 3. To destroy Angel Destroying Angel

“毁灭天使”(Destroying Angel)学名为Amanita virosa,主要在欧洲出没,与北美有毒的双抱鹅膏(A.bisPorigera)和赭鹅膏(A. ocreata)同源性极高,以一种难闻的气味告诫人们不要靠近。 "Angels of destruction" (Destroying Angel) scientific name Amanita virosa, found mainly in Europe, and North America have dual-toxic Amanita (A.bisPorigera) and red Amanita (A. ocreata) highly homologous to a difficult smell the scent of warning people not to close. 这并不能阻止一些人品尝其白色的肉。 This does not stop some people enjoy the white meat. 但是,这种蘑菇在幼年看上去像鸡蛋,识别起来更加困难,因为人们常常会把它同另外两种食用蘑菇混淆。 However, this mushroom looks like an egg at an early age, it is even more difficult to identify because it often will be two other edible mushrooms with confusion.

4. 大理石死亡帽 Marbled Death Cap 4. Marble Marbled Death Cap death cap

大理石死亡帽(Marbled Death Cap)一般出现在夏威夷、澳大利亚和南非,与死亡帽是同属,也含有鹅膏菌素。 Marble death cap (Marbled Death Cap) generally appear in Hawaii, Australia and South Africa, and death is the same cap, but also containing actinomycin Amanita. 这种伞状真菌常常生长在常绿乔木和桉树林。 This umbrella is often the growth of fungi in evergreen and eucalyptus trees. 据说是同别的树种一道从澳大利亚被引入夏威夷。 It is said that, together with other species has been introduced into Hawaii from Australia.

5. 大脑蘑菇Gyromitra esculenta 5. Gyromitra esculenta brain mushroom

鹿花菌(学名Gyromitra esculenta)一旦生食足以致命。 Gyromitra bacteria (scientific name Gyromitra esculenta) Once the raw food could be fatal. 它还因回旋状表面被称为“大脑蘑菇”。 It also shaped the surface due to the roundabout known as the "brain mushrooms." 在西班牙、瑞典等地,仍有人将其煮熟后吃掉。 In Spain, Sweden and other places, there are still people to eat cooked. 鹿花菌通常被认为毒性不强。 Gyromitra toxic bacteria are generally considered weak. 它还含有鹿花菌素,鹿花菌素可以产生甲基联氨。 It also contains Gyromitra streptozotocin, deer spent streptozotocin can produce methyl hydrazine. 与其他许多种毒蘑菇不同,鹿花菌通常会引起神经性症状,包括昏迷和肠胃不适。 With many other different kinds of poisonous mushrooms, deer are usually caused by bacteria spend neurological symptoms, including coma and gastrointestinal discomfort.

6. 死亡帽Amanita phalloides 6. Death cap Amanita phalloides

在全球范围内,这种看似无辜的真菌可是多数与蘑菇有关的死亡事件的罪魁祸首。 Globally, this seemingly innocent but the majority of fungi and mushroom-related deaths in the culprit. 所以,千万不要将可食用的蘑菇种类同毒鹅膏(Amanita phalloides)混淆,后者含有鬼笔毒素与鹅膏菌素两种毒物,仅仅食用30克便足以致人于死地。 So, do not be the same type of edible mushroom Amanita poisoning (Amanita phalloides) confusion, the latter containing phalloidin toxin streptozotocin and two toxic Amanita, only 30 grams of food is sufficient to cause death. 症状可能会在食用以后8到12小时才出现,但可以在一周内引起肾功能衰竭,致人死亡。 Symptoms after eating may be 8-12 hours before, but in a week can cause kidney failure, causing death.

7. 头套鹿花菌 hooded false morel 7. Gyromitra bacteria caps hooded false morel

头套状鹿花菌(hooded false morel)学名为赭鹿花菌(Gyromitra infula),人们可能会将这种褐色鞍状蘑菇与一种美味可口的可食用蘑菇(在食用前必须煮熟)混淆。 Bacteria-like flower head deer (hooded false morel) places to spend bacteria known as red deer (Gyromitra infula), people may be such a saddle-brown mushrooms with a delicious edible mushrooms (must be cooked before eating) confusion. 赭鹿花菌含有gyromitirin毒素,这种毒素在人体会转化为甲基联氨,甲基联氨是火箭燃料的原料之一。 Red deer spent gyromitirin bacteria contain toxins, such toxins in the body will be transformed into methyl hydrazine, methyl hydrazine rocket fuel is one of the raw materials. 赭鹿花菌吃进腹中一开始或许没有其他蘑菇那么致命,但日子久了,它会逐渐对人体产生有害影响,可能是一种致癌物。 Red deer spent eating bacteria into the abdomen may be the very beginning so there are no other mushrooms fatal, but as time goes by, it will gradually have a detrimental effect on the human body, may be a carcinogen.



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