Ramblings of my curious mind

Curious Girl With Curious Mind

To ensure plants get enough sunlight and adequate water so as to not drown them can be a challenge for those without a green thumb. We’ve seen a number of gadgets released that simplify the process of watering. These gadgets measure water levels in the soil and either alert the owner that watering is required or if the gadget is attached to a water source, it will self water the plant.
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That takes care of one issue, but what about sunlight? This is where plantbot comes in. Plantbot detects sunlight levels within the room and slowly moves the entire plant in the direction of the sunlight. This will ensure that the plant will always have maximum exposure to sunlight.
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There isn’t a lot of detail on this robotic gadget, such as what is it’s power source, but we can only hope it would be solar powered. Other things to take into consideration is how this gadget would probably trigger an indoor house alarm if you had one as well as how house pets would respond to it.



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